A website where you can learn from the experts about all operating aspects of grain storages: equipment, design, construction, and modernization of granaries. The website provides daily news about the export and processing of grain, trading and grain logistics in Ukraine and worldwide.
traders and grain storage workers, owners and managers, specialists of grain storages and storage departments of agricultural holding companies, farmers, as well as other readers who are interested to be the first to know about the development of the grain storage market in Ukraine and in the world.
A map of grain storages, which has up to date information about grain storages in Ukraine
A marketplace of grain storages and equipment - current purchase and sale announcements throughout Ukraine
A project on all stages of design, construction of grain storages and putting them into service — "Birth of a Grain Storage"
A grain storage crop tour — AgroExpedition
An infographic guide Map of Grain Storages of Ukraine
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